


大多数厨房的照明都很糟糕. 照明通常是事后才想到的, 然而,即使是精心策划的, designers and lighting experts often don’t agree on which lamps work best in particular fixtures and where those fixtures should be located.

在接下来的内容中, 我会考虑一些因素,比如固定装置的数量和所用灯泡的类型, 但我对凹进式罐头灯的大小和位置特别感兴趣. 我以前写过这方面的文章(参见“点亮厨房的正确方法”)。, 但我最近测量了实际工地的相对光照水平, 数据支持了我的观点, 在大多数情况下, 错误的固定装置被放置在错误的位置.


在过去的30年里,几乎没有关于这个话题的新研究, and competing expert opinions leave designers confused about how much light is needed in the kitchen. 代码没有多大帮助:IRC 2015只要求整个厨房使用一盏灯具, 产量约6英尺蜡烛(fc). 这样可以避免你的臀部撞到厨房台面的一角, 但在厨房工作,光线太暗了.

行业组织也在讨论这个话题. 在《jdb电子手机注册app》一书中 & 浴室照明:概念,设计,光,其中国家厨房 & 浴室协会(NKBA)在2015年发布的一份报告中jdb电子试玩2000网站,洗浴柜台的价格为50英镑. This jibes with the January 2017 update of the Illuminating Engineering Society’s (IES) “Lighting and the Visual Environment for Seniors and the Low Vision Population” (ANSI/IES RP-28-16), 它还jdb电子试玩2000网站台面的温度至少为50度.

我的个人目标是最低100分, 对于60岁以上的客户甚至更多(见“老化的眼睛需要更多的光线”),”下面). 但我也把所有东西都调暗了, which enables users to soften the lighting while also saving energy and extending lamp life in halogens and LEDs.


I believe there’s considerable misinformation about where can lights should be located in relation to countertops. 在厨房设计师使用的几本书中, 我看过一些插图,展示了远离任务的凹罐位置. 插图不包括尺寸, 但出于好奇,我描摹并放大了它们, 然后以25英寸的台面为指导,将它们缩放. 这样做的时候, I found that one illustration shows the cans 49 inches out from the wall and another shows the cans a whopping 56 inches out. 

这个规格似乎起源于90年代流行的一本厨房照明书. The book’s theory was that lights centered in walkways wouldn’t create “hot spots” on the upper cabinets and that under-cabinet lights would do the heavy lifting (see “Under-Cabinet Lights Won’t Save You,”下面). 

我买了那本书, 但是里面关于把罐头放在过道中间的jdb电子试玩2000网站对我来说毫无意义, 一两个项目之后,我就不再遵循它的指导方针了. 但让我感到困扰的是,这种糟糕的jdb电子试玩2000网站仍在传播. 然后, 几年前, I met with a prospective client who complained of really bad lighting in his newly redone kitchen. 这让我开始把数字放在好的和坏的照明上. 现在,每一个我被要求重新设计的厨房,我都会在设计前后进行测量. 你无法管理你不衡量的东西.

我的意见, based on common sense—and now also on empirical evidence—is that the proper place for can lights intended for 工作照明 is directly over the edge of the countertop, 大概离墙24英寸. 这个位置把横梁放在工作表面的正上方, 同样重要的是, it prevents the cook’s body from blocking the light when he or she stands at the counter working. 它还能将光线直接投射到打开的抽屉里.


To test my theory, I first purchased one 4-inch and one 5-inch recessed can and a variety of lamps. 然后,我向现在的客户迈克·弗莱厄蒂寻求帮助, 谁要在他20世纪20年代的平房上增建二层, 以及相关的一楼升级. 

正在施工的厨房天花板的一部分是敞开的, which made it possible—one evening after dark—for us to hold the can lights up at the proper height (5 feet above the counter) and at a variety of distances from the wall, 从24英寸开始到48英寸. 我站在梯子上,迈克站在柜台旁边或前面(照片), 上面)并记录了我信赖的Meterman LM631测光表的测量结果.

会有错误吗?? 确定. 例如, 我有两个测光表, 再加上我安卓手机上的测光表应用, 每个都给出了不同的解读. 但我确实相信单个仪表的相对数值的准确性.


结果证实,罐头灯的位置有很大的不同, 特别是当, 就像在现实世界中发生的那样, people stand at their counters while they prep and cook (see the “Recessed Light Location 测试结果” table, 下图). 

For example, with a PAR30 flood in a 5-inch can located 24 inches from the wall, I measured 42.8 .在工作台上. 当罐子被移到离墙36英寸和42英寸的地方时,我测量了27英寸和13英寸.分别下降了37%和70%.

The reduction in light levels was more dramatic when Mike s太d at the counter as if prepping (see “Actual Field Measurements,”下面). 当罐子离墙36英寸时,27fc下降到1英寸.4 fc; at 42 inches out, the 13.1fc暴跌至0.比烛光还糟糕! 而对于4英寸的罐子,所有结果都降低了30%左右.


Placing cans in the walkways puts 工作照明 on the floor and spills ambient light onto the counter—it’s completely backward. Recessed cans are particularly inefficient for ambient lighting; better are surface-mounted or pendant fixtures that throw light in all directions.

底线:用于任务照明, 罐头应该放在离墙24英寸的地方, 在台面边缘的中央. 

不可否认, these test results are for a single recessed fixture and lamp in a dark kitchen under construction. 与大多数厨房不同的是,并排摆放的固定装置不会产生累积效应. 尽管如此,这些尺烛的测量结果还是很惊人的. 以下是我认为我们可以从他们身上学到的:

  • 灯的类型影响光的传递量. A PAR lamp delivers two to 10 times more light on the task than a BR lamp with the same lumen output. 我的jdb电子试玩2000网站是,只有在你想要一个宽的环境照明时才使用br, 扩散传播, 比如在家庭房间或走廊里. (在这里阅读更多关于灯的类型.)
  • 光束传播越窄,任务上的光线水平就越强. 在台面上方5英尺的固定装置里, a PAR30 with a 40-degree beam spread creates a circle of light about 100 inches in diameter; a narrow spot with a 10 degree beam spread creates a circle of light that’s about 22 inches in diameter. It follows that beam spread affects the number of fixtures needed and their spacing: If you use narrow-spread lamps, 你将需要更多的固定装置间隔更紧密地在一起,以达到相同的光水平.
  • 更大的直径可以传递更多的光. 这似乎不言自明. 然而, I was surprised to find that the most intense narrow spot (NSP) in a 4-inch can didn’t have the punch to deliver the recommended minimum 50 fc from 5 feet above the countertop; I was also surprised that the narrow flood (NFL) did, 发送79 fc. 同样,灯的类型很重要.


在看到这些结果之后, 我将继续我的做法,把罐头直接放在工作柜台的边缘. 在以后的文章中, 在我们开始之前,我将分享几个最近的项目, 新的照明布局的计算机模拟, 工作完成后的实际测量. 

我还会继续使用我的固定装置和台灯——一个5英寸的, 密封的, ic级可与75瓦等效PAR30 NFL LED灯. 本身, 这个规格在台面上放了117磅, and in concert with cans on either side (usually 3 or 4 feet apart) you can reach even higher light levels. 你也可以使用NSP灯(9度光束)用一个5英寸的罐子产生100 fc, 但你在当地的大型商店里找不到这种灯泡.

我到处都用ic级的罐头, 天花板是否隔热, 因为如果空气可以通过, 然后声音可以, 太. 它还简化了夹具顺序.


等迈克的厨房装修好了, I’ll redo the foot-candle measurements with all of his kitchen lights on to see the cumulative effect. I’d also like to measure a 6-inch can with a PAR38 flood and spot to see how each performs in 10-foot ceilings. 除了, I want to measure output from an LED retrofit kit and from a low-voltage MR16 fixture with different lamps and beam spreads.

All of this data will help us to better understand how the different “layers” of lighting combine to create a successful project. 莎拉·沙利文, 拥有186个照明设计团队的灯光设计师, 曾说过, “厨房里的每一层都有一个用途:一般的环境照明, 工作照明, 以及装饰照明. There is no one answer that can truly be applied to every space or client; you need to revisit your ‘太lbox’ every time to create that perfect composition.”


Vision problems accompany aging, and for older people, poor lighting is a very real safety issue. 随着年龄的增长,到底需要多少光线,专家们意见不一, 但有一个明确的共识,那就是光线越多越好.

菲尔·理查兹, 朱诺照明集团的照明教育家, 在芝加哥地区, jdb电子试玩2000网站厨房里烛光的亮度是“你的年龄加20岁”.娜奥米·米勒, 太平洋西北国家实验室高级照明工程师, jdb电子试玩2000网站使用50到100英尺蜡烛(fc). 史蒂夫Brielmaier, 在2017年1月为LampsUSA撰写的题为“老年人的25个照明技巧”的文章中, 提供了一个基于年龄组的图表,并jdb电子试玩2000网站40岁的人服用75毫克, 60岁的人150英镑, 80岁的老人则高达225磅.


橱柜下的灯光很棒, 而是在窗户前的厨房水槽边, 没有可安装到的上层机柜. 岛式和现代阁楼式厨房也是如此,它们大多使用底柜.

橱柜下灯的另一个问题是如何让房主使用它们. 我的许多客户都是如此, and I attribute it to their experience with the hot halogen or xenon fixtures that were popular the last time they remodeled their kitchen—you could keep pizza warm under those lamps. But LEDs have changed the game, and they come in different output levels, plus they’re dimmable. 

One huge advantage under-cabinet lights have is that they’re below the viewer’s eye level (except when seated) and are less likely to cause glare. The exception is when the counters are highly polished—which the great majority of countertops are—then the reflection bounces right up into your eyes. 磨光或哑光的台面会有帮助, but the real solution is to mount under-cabinet lights behind the front rail of the upper cabinets instead of at the back against the wall. 这个位置改变了入射角和反射角,可以防止眩光. 在工作区域提供脚蜡烛也很有帮助, 哪个是柜台前面的, 不是后面.

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